Fungal Infections In Dogs: How To Care For Your Dog's Inflamed Skin

Posted on: 10 June 2016

Certain breeds are prone to chronic fungal or yeast infections of the skin called Malassezia pachydermatis. These breeds include Basset Hounds, Shih Tzus, Maltese, and Cocker Spaniels. Chronic yeast infections are problematic for your dog because they are uncomfortable and can also lead to bacterial dermatitis, which is also known as a skin infection. Yeast infections are problematic for you because they make your dog and home smell. Your dog may also start to shed hair and flakes of skin everywhere. For all parties involved, it's an unpleasant situation. Following are some tips on how to care for your dog's inflamed skin. 

See Your Vet

There are many things that can cause the symptoms of a yeast infection, which include excessive chewing or licking of the feet, scratching of the ears, intense scratching of the skin, and hair loss. If your dog has these symptoms, don't assume it's a yeast infection. Take your dog to the vet to have a skin scrape performed. Under the microscope, your vet will be able to confirm or exclude a yeast infection, which will make treatment much smoother.  

Use Special Shampoo

One of the best ways to treat a chronic yeast infection is to change the products you use at bath time. Medicated or specialized shampoos formulated for yeast infections are recommended for all dogs with a yeast infection. These shampoos combat the condition by reducing the number of yeast present, resolving foul odor, and removing skin flakes. Antibacterial shampoos may also be recommended for dogs who have a skin infection. For particularly troublesome spots, a small dose of miconazole cream can be applied topically. Your vet may also choose to prescribe oral medications, such as fluconazole or ketoconazole if your dog's case is severe. 

Avoid These Things

Certain foods can contribute to your dog's yeast infection, especially those high in sugar and carbohydrates. Avoid foods made primarily of corn, potatoes, rice, and oats. Instead, feed your dog high-protein foods. Read the label to make sure that meat is the first ingredient. Yeast also thrives in moist conditions. Take care to keep your dog dry. Do not let them spend time outdoors when it is raining. If they do get wet, dry them thoroughly. 

Chronic yeast infections in dogs are inconvenient and irritating for both you and your dog. However, you can successfully manage the condition if you use the right products at bath time and follow your vet's orders. Check out a company like Bath Bone to purchase the pet supplies you need.


protecting your pets from ticks

Ticks are becoming a wide-spread problem for both humans and their pets. Have you done everything possible to ensure that your dogs and cats are not exposed to the dangerous diseases spread by these tiny insects? If you use flea treatments for your pets, will the treatments also prevent ticks from climbing on your pet and begin feasting on his blood? Go through my blog to learn more about what you can do to prevent ticks from making your dogs and cats sick. Hopefully, you will take the information and do your best to protect your furry family members from these terrible insects.