
  • 3 FAQs Regarding Service Dogs In Your HOA

    If you live in a homeowners association, there may be limits on the type of pets you can and cannot have within the community. In some cases, they may even prohibit dogs in general. If you have a service animal, and you're afraid you may have to give up your ally to keep your home, you need to check out these three frequently asked questions regarding service dogs in your HOA.
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  • Looking To Install A Cat Fence Gate? Factors To Consider Before Making A Purchase

    If you have a cat, you may have or may be installing a cat fence. A cat fence allows you to let your cat outside without being fearful of your cat escaping or getting away. Many people place the fences around just their patio or other small spaces, since cats don't need much space. But you can enclose yourself into this space if your fence does not have a gate. A gate allows you the ability to enter or exit the fenced in area.
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  • 2 Tips For Preparing A Habitat For Your Baby Corn Snake

    If you're a beginner when it comes to raising snakes and other reptiles, corn snakes are a great place to start. They are beautiful snakes that aren't too complicated to care for, and they can become quite tame when they're handled regularly. When you decide to adopt a corn snake as a pet, the first thing that you need to do is prepare the place where your snake will be living.
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  • Making Your Custom Fish Tank Part Of Your Home Design

    Keeping fish is relaxing and is a wonderful way to add a focal point to your home that visitors will enjoy as well. It has long been said that watching fish in an aquarium is a great way to relax, and with all the colors, species, and behaviors different fish bring to the tank, it is easy to get lost in the underwater world. If you plan your tank out, you can create a custom fish tank that can become part of your home and complement it as well.
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  • Tips For Preparing Your Dog For Hunting Season

    Hunting season is the one time a year when your dog can show what he or she is made of and help you out with your favorite hobby. However, it is unfair to go several months without reinforcing the skills that your dog needs to help you and expect him or her to perform perfectly. This means that you are going to need to help your dog get ready for hunting season through some basic training.
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  • The Pet Owner's Guide To Grooming The Finicky Cat

    Some cats love being brushed and groomed. Others balk and may even hiss when you come at them with a brush. But it's still important for these cats to be groomed in order to prevent matted fur and skin conditions. Here are some tips to help you groom your finicky cat. Choose a softer brush There are many kinds of cat brushes. The kinds with wire bristles and plastic bristles may be effective, but they also rub more aggressively against a cat's skin than the soft-style brushes with flexible, thin bristles.
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  • Common Mistakes People Make When Training Puppies On A Leash

    There are a few mistakes people make when training puppies to be obedient when on a leash or harness. Here are some examples of these mistakes including what you can do to correct the mistakes and end up with a trained puppy in a quicker amount of time. Using Choke Collars This is just a bad idea for a puppy. You'll make the dog angry, and in many cases, this will end up with the opposite result of what you want.
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  • Fungal Infections In Dogs: How To Care For Your Dog's Inflamed Skin

    Certain breeds are prone to chronic fungal or yeast infections of the skin called Malassezia pachydermatis. These breeds include Basset Hounds, Shih Tzus, Maltese, and Cocker Spaniels. Chronic yeast infections are problematic for your dog because they are uncomfortable and can also lead to bacterial dermatitis, which is also known as a skin infection. Yeast infections are problematic for you because they make your dog and home smell. Your dog may also start to shed hair and flakes of skin everywhere.
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  • What You Need To Know Before You Buy Your New Puppy

    Getting a new puppy can be exciting for anyone, especially if you have a family already. There's a lot you need to do before you bring a new dog into your home, and it doesn't stop at picking up small objects off the floor. Knowing what to expect, what questions to ask and what to plan for will help preserve not only your peace of mind, but the health and welfare of your family and your new pet.
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